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Disco does not feature reactivity. You can use a state management library of you choice, as long as it does not use global state.


Below follows an example with Solidart’s signals (Signal and Computed) and SignalBuilder widget:

final counterProvider = Provider((context) => Signal(0));
// The internal Computed reacts to changes of counterProvider's inner Signal.
final doubleCounterProvider = Provider((context) {
return Computed(() => counterProvider.of(context).value * 2)
home: Scaffold(
body: ProviderScope(
providers: [counterProvider],
child: ProviderScope(
providers: [doubleCounterProvider],
child: SignalBuilder(
builder: (context, child) {
final counter = counterProvider.of(context);
final doubleCounter = doubleCounterProvider.of(context);
return Column(
children: [
Text('${counter.value} ${doubleCounter.value}'),
child: Text("+1"),
onPressed: () {
counter.value += 1;

Every time the +1 button is clicked, the counter is incremented by one, and the doubleCounter by two.

More examples

Our repository also includes a full example with Bloc, one with ChangeNotifier and one with Solidart.